
Friday, January 20, 2012

Getting my first cell connection

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When it’s the question of one’s survival we can do anything. Any hurdle is not big.

I knew that I have many questions before I get a cell phone connection.
- Which package, contract of 1 year or 2 years or no contract at all ?
- Contract terms etc,
- What if I have the break the contract ?
- And certainly I don’t want to be a defaulter, and don’t want to screw-up my credit history because of a silly misunderstanding.

My need was big, so I just walked in to SFR telecom outlet, and asked for an English speaking representative. I was luck today. I got a guy who spoke very good English, and he had answered all the above questions I had, to many expats like me.

I signed a two years contract, at a very competitive price and I know the terms of breaking the contract very well. The salesman Rudy, explained me so well. “You can break the contract legally if any of the three below conditions meet”
  1. I die (not funny)
  2. I am laid off (not funnier either)
  3. I am transferred back to India and my HR gives a letter certifying that. Well I know this will be my case. So I can legally break my contract without labeled a defaulter.

NB : I now realize that France is a welfare state (more Socialist but still unlike former USSR) and not a Capitalist state like US, where I have to keep proving that I am credit worthy !
And you might not read the fine-print carefully while signing a contract. And voila you are trapped, as it’s designed to make money from you, and your welfare is none of the business of the Capitalist organization…

Well I signed the contract. And got a high speed internet connection on my big screen smart phone and in 10 mins, I had my phone up with the heart beat, the Internet. All the starved applications, on my phone, started syncing with Internet and this was the Second good thing after the apartment…

The images below are not advertisement. Its my thanks to SFR ! :-)
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Vincent said...

one thing we should have told you : there's no such thing as "credit history" in France !

Mahtab Syed said...

Thanks Vincent, Your book is helping me learn a lot about France. And this one(on credit history) I had to learn from experience. :O)